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Which metrics should you monitor to optimiseoptimize your hiring strategy?

As the hiring market shifts, it’s imperative for talent teams to have a data-driven understanding of what is, and is not working in their recruiting strategy.

This report covers 5 key recruitment metrics that organisationsorganizations should be tracking in 2024. Using PageUp data the report shares global trends and insights, including the latest industry benchmarks – so you can see how your organisationorganization stacks up.

Download your free report to learn:

  • How to recogniserecognize what sourcing channels are giving you the best results
  • Where organisationsorganizations find the best hires
  • How to move the needle on job offer rejections 
  • Why mobile-friendly application processes have never been more important 

Frequently asked questions

  • How will recruitment metrics help me get ahead?

  • What are the key considerations when hiring in the current talent market?

  • What does PageUp do?

Learn how leading businesses attract quality hires with less effort.

Using recruitment marketing strategies helped one major travel organisationorganization increase their applications by 6X.
